The Rehabilitation Center was opened thanks to the assistance of EU4Business ''Innovative Tourism and Technology Development for Armenia'' EU4Busines '' Innovative Tourism Action Grants in Terms Of Covid-19''.
“Sochut” resort offeres the course of rehabilitation treatment with the following physiotherapeutic methods:
In our Rehabilitacion Center we use 2 methods of electrotherapy- elektrophoresis and amplipulstherapy.
Electrophoresis is a physiotherapeutic method of treatment, in which the body is simultaneously affected by the electrical current and drugs. It is used in case of joint, nervous, gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular system, and skin diseases.
Amplipulsetherapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method in which sinusoidal modulated currents are used. This treatment method is used to treat high blood pressure, inflammatory diseases of the nervous and gastrointestinal systems, joints and pelvic organs.
Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment, during which the body is affected by magnetic waves, under the influence of which changes occur in the physicochemical properties of cells, the levels of hormones and enzymes, improve metabolism and enrich cells with oxygen. It is used for joint, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous system and spine diseases.
Այն ցուցված է հոդերի, սիրտանոթային, մարսողական, նյարդային համակարգի և ողնաշարի հիվանդությունների դեպքում։
Treatment with ultrasonic waves is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment, in which the tissues of the body are affected by high-frequency ultrasonic waves, which has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antispasmodic and general toning effect. It is often used for nose, throat, ear, skin, joints, peripheral nerves and gynecological diseases.
Inhalations are intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, during which air rich in drugs or other biologically active substances, including aerosols, is inhaled. Various types of inhalations are widely used in the rehabilitation center of "Sochut" resort, according to the instructions.
Galothinhalation (salt cave on the table) is based on the use of an artificial microclimate similar to the environment of underground salt caves, which allows to clean the respiratory tract of dust and harmful bacteria, improve blood oxygenation, restore the microflora and the body's resistance. The main healing factor is the dry aerosol of natural rock salt spread in the air.
Galoinhalation is mainly used for colds (including their prevention), bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, various allergies (rhinitis, dermatitis and others), skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, ringworm), hypertension, insomnia and anxiety.
Aeroionotherapy is a method of treatment with ionized air, which is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes in bronchial asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis, neurasthenia, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, flu, immunodeficiency and other situations.
Aromatherapy. During aromatherapy, a person inhales dosed levels of essential oils. It is widely used in the treatment of stress and related diseases, as well as chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
D'Arsenval. It is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment, in which the human body is affected by high-frequency current. It allows the tissues to be enriched with oxygen, to improve the condition of the skin, to stimulate tissue regeneration, and to improve metabolism. It is widely used for oily skin, wrinkles, acne and hair loss.
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a treatment method when the body is affected by ultraviolet rays. The UVC device synthesizes and directs a beam of ultraviolet rays through a special guide to the selected area. This method of treatment is used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, adenoids and a number of other diseases.
Paraffin therapy is a heat treatment method where heated paraffin is used as a heat transfer agent. This method of treatment allows to improve the condition of the skin, it becomes elastic, fine wrinkles are smoothed, aging processes are slowed down and toxins are removed from the body.
Oxigen cocktail. The use of oxygen cocktail leads to the enrichment of the body with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, immunity and metabolism, allows to increase work effeciency and quickly overcome fatigue.
Massage is a dosed mechanical effect on different parts of the body with hands or special devices, which allows you to restore muscle tone, eliminate fatigue, improve skin quality and tissue elasticity. After the massage, the general well-being and mood improves.
In our rehabilitation center, treatment methods are selected for each client with an individual approach and according to the need.
Relax and rejuvenate with a course of rehabilitative treatment.
We are looking forward to your arrival.